With over 30 years providing services to clients helping to promote, manage, and support resource exploration and development, Alaska Earth Sciences (AES) has what it takes to move a project to the next level. With a specialty of working in remote regions, AES understands the challenges a project can face and has the knowledge and resources to overcome these challenges in a way that is both cost- and time-effective.

I want to tell you how much we have enjoyed hosting your drill crew this summer. We have had work crews in the past and were a little skeptical about taking on a drilling crew with all of the stories we have heard. I’m here to tell you that your drillers are definitely a cut about the rest. Each and every one of them we’ve had on the job here are fine respectful, thankful, kind, considerate, gentlemen. They are to be commended for the new image of the Alaskan Driller that they portray. I would welcome them back at the Lodge any time, whether on work or pleasure. Thanks again for hiring a great bunch of guys.

John Rusyniak, Log Cabin Wilderness Lodge